Sunday, April 16, 2006


Just came home after drinking and breakfast with the boys. My mum was awake and instead of questioning my coming home so late, she asked me whether I ate already. My mum loves me a lot. But why?

Blood is thicker than water they say, but everyone is an individual in the end. We lead our own lives, so what does it concern another that we are happy? Just because we are family?

I feel that everything is fated. We started out life as a single sperm competing against millions of others. There's a million to one chance that we would never be born, but we are here in the now. How lucky are we to experience this thing called life?

I say be glad that you have a family that loves you. Be glad that you have friends to share your joys and fears. I would have said more, but it's past my sleeping hour of 7am. Time to rejuvenate my body in anticipation of another exciting day stuck at home.

Positive thoughts lead to a positive lifestyle. So I shall try my utmost to be positive about life. The glass is half-full I guess.

Go ahead and give your mummy a kiss and a hug. And tell her how much you love her. Appreciate those around you who care about you. Regret is something I wouldn't want.


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