Friday, March 24, 2006

Fighting the good fight

I have a terrible confession to make. For those of you who've feared the worst, it's true. I am an addict. I've decided to come out of the closet to face my personal demons and to encourage others to do the same also.

I shall therefore seek to renounce this addiction. It won't be easy that's for sure. Especially since I'm stuck at home. So please give me your encouragement and remember to mention me in your little prayers.

A few of you might be freaking out by now. "No wonder he always look so pale and sickly!!" Yes, the addiction has taken its toll on me physically as it proves to be detrimental to my health. It makes me feel burnt out everytime I wake up the morning after getting my fix.

It is one of, if not the greatest bane of our times. It is known by many names, for it is in the nature of such evil things to be so. The neverending picture show, the Idiot Box, the Brain Masher. It is practically omnipresent in modern society.

It has even spawned cults such as the aptly named Couch Potatoes. It is responsible for destroying the vision of many of our youth, forcing them to wear that encumbering thing called spectacles, which despite its name, is not spectacular at all.

It is available 24/7 to most households. Not satisfied with such paltry achievement, the malaise has spread its filthy hands and has even infiltrated the public transportation in Singapore. Soon there will be nowhere you can turn your head without the threat of the enemy in your face.

It is the all-time numero uno time-waster de facto. The internet is a close second, but our fiend, having spent a longer time in existence, has cunningly retained its simplicity factor and ease of access throughout the ages.

Its faithful followers have turned the act of channel-surfing and button-mashing into an art. Schedules are published daily for everyone to pick the poison of their choice. Even food cannot escape from its grasp as is proven by the existence of TV-dinners.

I have much more to write about this monstrosity that has laid its claim on my life but Sleep is humming his silent song and I can't get it out of my head.

It is possible that I'll continue on another day. Or I might have already been felled by the foe as you read this, in this valiant fight against the stacked odds.

Either way, let this be a testament of the Kerk.

Remember, it is all in your head. The power lies in your hands.

Just say No.


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