Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Making condescending love to yesterday's friends, tomorrow's lovers and is it the other way around

I almost ended up on tomorrow's news. You know what they say about that though. No news is good news. Well, now I've got you kinda hooked, it's only fair to say what happened.

Let's just say that gas stoves, boiling water and dreamland isn't the best concoction around. Anyway, I woke up just in time to see that the boiling water was flowing out of the kettle and putting out the flames in the stove resulting in gas leaking. Lucky me. For waking up that is.

Haven't been updating for quite a long time. The whole of September and more. But I'm back and that's what matters no? So stop grumbling and read on.

Bet you looked at the title and must have been expecting something exciting but I'm sorry to disappoint. I just woke up with the words "making condescending love" ringing in my brain and I decided to use it somewhere.

Yesterday's friends = Tomorrow's lovers?

Yesterday's lovers = Tomorrow's friends?

Somehow the first statement comes true more often than the second. But I guess it's kind of hard for some people to accept the transition from lover to friend. Maybe they're just not "cool" enough or the breakup wasn't handled very well.

See the word breakup and I think of makeup. I know of some friends who breakup and makeup way too many times. I mean don't they get tired? Or is makeup what it literally stands for? A mere cosmetic used to cover up the flaws of the relationship or one that enhances the ascetic value of the relationship?

I sound like I'm grumbling but I have nothing to grumble about albeit a lack of a certain somebody to hold hands with. Holding hands....sounds like a great topic for my next post. I'll see you when you get there. Cheers.


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